Saturday, October 16, 2010

Latest news

Well there have been a few developments in adoption stuff! We were waiting on clearance from DCFS for almost 2 months. I finally asked if we could get our endorsement letter from the state without going through DCFS.... so we are re-ordering all our clearances and then Lutheran Social Services will be taking care of it all!

Also: Adoption Avenues (our agency in Portland OR) has changed around their Ethiopia program! They are now using orphanages from the Ethiopian country side that are not connected directly with any other agency besides ours. Once a child is identified for a family, the child will be moved to a foster home in Addis Ababa (the capitol) until the adoption is finalized. This is great news because it will reduce average wait times from 15 months to 4 months!

So.... Please pray:
-That our clearances will come in quickly
-We can learn patience through all this!


Here are some pictures of the Nursery: