Hi! I'm sorta new at this blog thing, but I figured I should learn so that I can keep track of our adoption journey on the web too. This way our friends and family around the globe can keep track of the goings-on of the adoption as well. So far we are almost done with all the paperwork. Our social worker is finishing up writing our home study as I type this, and we're hoping maybe that can be sent out for state verification next week sometime! Unfortunately there is only one person in the state of IL that verifies these, so it can take up to 2 months! Once that comes back we can send our dossier to get authenticated by the US gov and finish up with the US immigration to get our visa to bring an orphaned child into the country. There is still lots to do! Here are a couple of prayer requests:
- That everything comes back from DCFS quickly so we can finish the home study
- That our home study gets verified quickly through the state
- That I can finish up our dossier so that is ready to go
Click below to watch a video of the orphanage we will be adopting from in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!
Click here